List do redakcji NYT

List skierowany do redakcji NYT w sprawie błędu w artykule "Yasir Qadhi: An American Cleric" opublikowanym w niedzielnym wydaniu dziennika.

March 20, 2011
Joel Lovell
Sunday Magazine Section
The New York Times
New York, NY
Re: Style Manual - Dachau in Poland???
Mr. Lovell
It is my belief that the editor of a publication should ensure that all facts presented in the publication are verified.
Although I recognize (not appreciate, just recognize) the fact that you have corrected the photo description, I am aghast at the fact that you, your staff and a writer (who purportedly received a Pulitzer Prize) do not know where Dachau is located.
Please accept my offer (I am a historical researcher currently working on the English-speaking Witnesses to Katyn) to present a short history and/or geography lesson on the history of Poland, particularly that of the 20th century. Specific syllabus points to be included:
German and USSR Alliance,
German and Soviet Invasion of Poland,
German SS and Soviet NKVD arrests of Polish Christian and Jewish citizens,
German and Soviet deportations of civilians,
German and Soviet murder of military men,
German Concentration Camps and their victims,
Soviet GULAGs and their victims,
The Polish Resistance and the Polish Army in Exile, etc.
I will make myself available at any time and place that you deem appropriate, since it appears that not even a change in the New York Times Style Manual would avoid the error in relocating national borders.
Krystyna Piórkowska
Muzeum Wojska Polskiego